Single migration center in St. Petersburg

what was done
Gather an audience of users who are potentially interested in this service. Target audience: labor migrants from Uzbekistan.
  • We launched social media accounts in three languages (Odnoklassniki, Facebook).
  • We created a Telegram channel with the up-to-date content (news, services, promotions, etc.) published on a regular basis.
  • We set up advertising in Telegram channels.
  • We developed a Telegram chatbot with answers to popular questions asked by users (list of documents, cost, design features). This made it possible to generate requests from interested users as targeted click-throughs to the website.
  • Increased number of subscribers by 7 times in three months.
  • Increased coverage of publications by 6 times in three months.
  • Increased coverage of publications taking into account ads – by 300 times in three months.
  • The subscriber acquisition cost was RUB 32.
  • Chatbot working with offline clients (customers placed banners in the office with the chatbot name to get information quickly).
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